Supported playgroup special sector event!

Supported playgroup special sector event!

Do you facilitate a supported playgroup?  Are you interested in hearing about an evidence-based playgroup enhancement program? If so, you are invited to a special supported playgroup sector conversation.
Join us on Monday 28th August, 12.30-1.30pm to hear from Annette Michaux, director of the Parenting Research Centre, speak about smalltalk (a Victorian based program) and the research demonstrating the benefits to children and families.
Fams is keen to gather your views and input into a proposal to implement smalltalk alongside The Big Yarn (adapted for Aboriginal families) in NSW. It’s early days yet, but we are excited about the potential!  

We are keen to have playgroup facilitators, and team leaders and managers overseeing playgroups so please share widely through your networks!
Tickets are no longer available for this event.