Welcome to registration for TEI Sector Support DEX Clinic from Fams. 

Complete the details below to register for support in DEX Data Entry, DEX Reporting Analysis and Story Telling.
What is your position title?
Session Type:
Select all areas that you are seeking support:

Organisation type (select all that apply):
Program activity your service receives funding for (select all that apply):
Are you a new TEI Worker?
Are you a new Agency coming into TEI? (eg within last 12 months)
Department of Communities & Justice District location
So we have an understanding of where you are with TEI reporting and contract requirements can you please complete the following statements:
1. I know how to create clients, cases and navigate DEX
2. I know how to review and update our organisation's Program Logic?
3. Overall, how confident are you in your understanding of data collection, measuring and reporting your TEI contract outcomes? 

Other feedback
Before you hit submit, please read the following: 
Fams is committed to the security of our stakeholders. To protect your information, we have established procedures to minimise the retention of sensitive, personal, or legal data. If you provide such information to Fams, we will delete it from our systems and notify you of the deletion. 

During these clinics, you may be asked to provide the following: 

  • Your DCJ contract Table 2 found in your Agreement for Funding Services or in a Letter of Variation (which outlines the program activity, service types, outcomes, and output levels your service is funded for (without the financial aspect of the contract). 
  • Program Logic/s related to your service's program and outcomes and is usually set out in a table template. 

We will ensure that any documentation provided by request by Fams is deidentified and clearly explain the terms of use. Fams strives to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information provided, we do not warrant its adequacy or completeness.  

223 Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst 2010